The rules ... [1] Choose a minimum of 7 blogs for brilliance in content/design. [2] Show the winners and let them know. [3] List at least 10 honest things about yourself.
And here we go....
1. I have several pet peeves. The biggest one is when women wear sandals, but haven't had a pedicure, or even bothered to slap some polish on their toes themselves! It just bothers me.
2. B and I have been dating a little bit over three years. When we're married (October 24th), we'll be four days shy of the anniversary of our first date. He is very happy that he'll only have to celebrate one anniversary from now on.
3. I'm quite possibly one of the clumsiest people in the world. I'm constantly tripping, slipping, falling (both up and down the stairs), walking into walls and door frames, stubbing my toes and cutting my fingers (this has occurred in the kitchen while cooking as well as on a tuna can. That one required me to leave work for stitches....)! B is convinced the police are going to show up one day and arrest him for fiance abuse! All he is guilty of is laughing at me when I fall!
4. I have one full sister, a half sister and two (former) step-brothers. I just say they're all my siblings, because they truly are. I love them so much! I've learned that family is really the one group of people you can always count on.
5. My first ever job was Banana Republic and it was fabu, because I had the best wardrobe!
6. My heart is in Florida. Hopefully one day I will live there. I just love everything about Southwest Florida: the beach, the everglades, the shopping, people's laid back attitudes, and all the lush greenery! Its gray here most of the year.
7. I became a Catholic in 2007. I was raised Lutheran.
8. In the last two years, I've really started to grow up. Some of that has been hard for me, but for the first time in my adult life, I am so proud of the woman I see when I look in the mirror.
9. I am a little nervous to be married. Not in a bad, I'm not sure I'm ready or whatever way!!! I'm just nervous for the wedding (I might trip and fall, lol!) and I'm nervous-excited to be B's wife. Until I met B, I didn't really spend much time seriously thinking about marriage. I always knew I'd get married and I'd picture it in the far off future. Now its happening, and I'm so determined to have a fun and strong marriage. I'm glad I found someone who will never back down and will always fight for the "us" we've both come to love and need. Wow! I am getting honest here!
10. I don't have a huge group of girlfriends anymore. In high school and college, I certainly did. Now it feels like my core group has shrunk. Sometimes that makes me sad, but I know the people I have in my life right now are authentic, and that is really important to me. I really miss my two closest friends from college (and KD!). I'm planning a visit to Chicago in March to see them both.
I 'm going to tag:
Misadventures of a Newlywed
Mrs. Preppy
Also, Preppy 101 tagged me! If you haven't visited her blog, please do. She one of my favorite bloggers!
Step 1: Respond and Rework.
Answer the questions on your own blog. Replace one question that you don't like with a question of your own invention. Then add one more question of your own invention.
Step 2: Tag eight other un-tagged people!
1. Make a list of things you can see without getting up.
Computer, printer, desks, window to parking lot (yes, I'm at work).
2. Favorite Football Team.
Michigan State Spartans!!!!
3. What are you wearing now?
Black ballet flats, textured black tights, black trumpet style knee-length skirt, cream silk top under a black v-neck sweater, and peals.
4. What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
I'm listening to The Devil in the Junior League, and reading Altered States (its about surviving engagement!).
5. Who was the last person you hugged?
B, before he left for work this morning.
6. What's you current obsession/addiction?
Lilly. I've been adding several pieces recently. I'm adding color.
7. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
Either a chemist or a ballerina.
8. What was the last thing you bought?
Firefly Vodka! (It finally arrived in Michigan.)
9. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of all the electronic in this office.
10. What is your favorite weather and why?
I like three season that aren't winter! Spring, Fall and SUMMER!
11. What is your most challenging goal right now?
Getting this wedding planned, and shaping up for it.
12. Say something to the person who tagged you.
Hi Preppy 101! Reading your blog is always a bright spot in my day! If I ever make it to Tenn, I hope we can meet in person. Until then, I'm so glad we're blogging buddies! :)
13. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would it be?
On the beach in Olde Naples, Florida.
14. Favorite vacation spot?
Olde Naples, FL. I also like Miami.
15. Favorite children's book?
Pat the Bunny
16. Name one thing you just can't resist no matter how bad it is for you?
French Fries!
17. What was the first tape or CD that you bought for yourself?
Oh man...I think Billy Ray Cyrus if you want to know the truth.....gee.....
18. Describe your perfect day.
I hope its my wedding day. I think it will be. Having my family together and celebrating!
19. Who is the most famous person you know?
My aunt, I guess. She was Miss Michigan USA. Also, B's boss is very famous in Michigan politics.
20. What would you do if you won the Lottery?
Change my telephone number!!! LOL! No, I'd buy that beach house in Naples, pay for B to go to Law School (if he still wanted to after we became bizzzillionaires!) and thanks my lucky stars!
The added question:
21. What is the one quality you possess that makes you most proud?
Okay, I tag:
Kappa Prep
Muffy Martini
Running Just as Fast as I Can
I Don't Want to Wait
Lipstick at the Mailbox
Self Confessed Lamp Tramp
Adventures of a Southern Newlywed
Sweet, Sassy, and Always Classy
Thank you sooo much for tagging me!!! I have never been tagged before so as lame as this sounds - it made my day!! :) I'm starting to get somewhere in this whole blog world hehe
Thanks for tagging me too. As you know I've never been tagged.
Loved reading your honesty list, although I have to say I don't think you are clumsy - we both see how much stuff and people I walk into.
Loved the "what I'm listening to" too. One day Eyore will come ;)
Congrats on your award it is well deserved And don't forget Frost/Nixon.
I'm So clumsy as well! My friends & boyfriend never let me near knives, glass, etc. it's funny! Thanks for tagging/awarding me!
Hello. Love the blog. Love Jackie, Audrey, preppy et al. Stay in touch. xoxo
I've so missed your blog! But I'm back! I took a little blogger's hiatus...
Hey, girl! I was stopping by to see if you were sore after your class the other day? I probably wouldn't even be walking afterwards.
I so agree with No. 10. All my high school friends still live in Georgia and most of my college friends live in North Carolina, so I miss them very much. Luckily I have my dance troupe girls and am meeting new friends in Junior League.
Fun! I love these! :)
Our's is September 12th!
You guys will get gorgeous photos at Franklin Cider Mill! :)
Who is doing your cake?? That is something we have not quite made it to yet!
I love reading these lists!
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