I recently finish Jackie by Josie. This book is lesser known, but I enjoyed it. It was very touching in some parts and I got a little chocked up! Speaking of chocked up, we just watched last weeks Desperate Housewives last night, and I about lost it several times during that program! Their handy-man was so kind! Maybe I was just feeling emotional, I don't know, but it really got me going.
Thanks for the feedback on the high waisted pants. How funny that those awful pictures of Jessica Simpson surfaced yesterday right as I was wearing similar pants? Mine are black though, and I'm about 10 feet taller than Jessica. I think they looked timeless with the outfit I put together. Poor Jessica! I love that girl! She was always my favorite of the pop queens, though Britney is certainly entertaining and I root for her. Simply put, she is more wholesome than the others. Also, I believed her when she said she saved her virginity for marriage. She is a Christian and a Republican (at least I'm pretty she she's a Republican?)! What's not to love? She is also very petite and when you're petite every ounce you gain looks like 15 lbs! I hope that the press leaves her alone on this one. It must be so hard to be in the spotlight. One minute you're anorexic, the next a fatty in "Mom Jeans"!
I agree with everything you said about Jessica's pants. She just should never have put them on, ha! I really want to read The D. in the J.L. Thanks for the reviews!
I have the DITL and cannot wait to start reading it. I have heard such fun things and since it takes place in my state I know I will love it!
I bought The Devil in the Junior League a couple of weeks ago and I'm excited to read it!!! I have so many new books and so little time to read them lately... ho hum!
The Devil in the Junior League is on my list of things to read! Thanks for the review ;-)
I love The Devil in the Junior League!! It's such a fun read!
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