Well, I didn't party like it was 1984 (because in 1984, I was 2), I partied like it was 2004, when I was 22 and invincible still in college. Here are some pictures for you viewing pleasure:
B and me. He didn't really go in 80's gear, just a suit:

Here I am eating some sort of chicken satay and speaking to Sammy, my friend's older brother. Not sure what on earth I was telling him though!

Here we are normal. Can you see my nail polish? Its Essie "Short Shorts"...highlighter pink!

Me with Sammy's sister, R:

Me with J. She wore a dress of her mother's from the 80's. Very cute. I'm so sorry I didn't get any full length shots!

E and me.

J and A. It was A's husband's birthday. She is standing in my wedding. She had the best gold dress!

Back of my hair, very B-52's from the front and wild
in the back, don't you think?:

I wish we could have parties like this every weekend! It was so much fun!
You look darling - glad it see it was a fun time!
Looks like you had a really good time. Love the outfits. Sequin dresses were all the rage in the
80s (I even wore one to prom.).
Great hair, too. So darling! :)
I love theme parties!! It looks like you had a blast. Fun outfits and hair!
Oh, what GREAT pictures!!! You look FANTASTIC!!!!
Omg, what fun!??? Xoxo-BLC
What fun!! You hair is fabulous ;-) xoxo
I love your eye makeup in these pictures, you look great! :)
You look fantastic!!! I love your hair! Thanks for your tip about the nails. I am getting them fixed Saturday and I am going to talk to her about possibly getting gel nails or pink/white or whatever the options are. I really wish I could just grow mine out and get a manicure, but they just do not grow at all. I am definately getting something over them to protect them from the sun. I love your polish color!
Looks/sounds fantastic! I love theme parties!
You look absolutely adorable, totally B-52s. Would that I could pull off darling bangs like that!
Very cute pics - thanks for sharing! Looks like you had a great time & everyone's 80s outfits look fab!
Looks like you guys had alot of fun!
You are so beautiful! You look like Audrey Hepburn with blonde hair!
Love this! you have the BEST hair!! I am soooooooo regretting cutting mine.
Oh goodness Miss Princess, how cute! The hair is just awesome, what a fab look!
Oh goodness Miss Princess, how cute! The hair is just awesome, what a fab look!
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