Thank you to everyone who entered my first ever giveaway! I was so flattered to have so many entries! :) I plan to host another giveaway before the year's end....perhaps after my honeymoon in Disney? I'm sure I'll find many neat items there!
In other news, I had a great weekend, and I hope you all did too! The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, and this year was one for the memory books! I have many pictures to upload, and I will fill you all in soon! :) Have a great day!
Congrats Cool Gal (although I am slightly jealous) :)
Congrats to Cool Gal!! :)
And I can't wait to see your 4th pics!! I'm so glad you had fun!! <3
Aww, I'm jealous. I didn't even see you were doing a giveaway...How did I miss that?! very cute idea...and very YOU! I feel like I know you so well...
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!! I'M SOOO EXCITED! I never win anything.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is just the best news of my day. Such cute items. :)
Can't wait to see your Fourth pictures.
Oh yeah, my package from Amazon arrived today. Yeah. :) :)
It's just been a great day!
...and a most excellent prize that was!
We went to Disney on our honeymoon & I just booked our character meals for our September trip.
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