I am anxiously awaiting the release of
Season 2 on DVD. We watched the first season on DVD over Christmas, and with
Season 3 starting in August, I need to be all caught up!
Now, explain to me why we can't dress like this anymore?

Have you ever feel like this? Haha! We've all been there!

After reading same other blogs and listening to various people's opinions on the topic, I've come to the conclusion that people see Mad Men as sexist, or rather the "Mad Men era" as sexist. That may be true, but why oh why did the women's lib movement have to also involve women no longer dressing like women(or to other extreme way too provocatively)? I am a very traditional woman. I love keeping a home and I am so happy to be getting married and to start the next chapter of my life as B's wife! I have always felt that my femininity is my power! Why should I try to act like a man? To try to attract one? I really don't think many men want a woman who strives to be more masculine (power hungry, carefree sexual attitude, so ambitious that she'd back stab and claw her way to the top?)! Maybe I am naive, but I find women like that disgusting. There is nothing wrong with being a powerful career woman,
NOTHING wrong with it, but I think women need to go about it differently. We will never be the same as men because
we aren't men! I sometimes feel like the women's lib movement destroyed our image of ourselves. That is another whole post! So why not play up our femininity and look like proper women? Maybe even look a bit powerful? I'm sure many people will disagree with me on this, and I certainly didn't plan to go off on that tangent! Its just a thought.
Don't forget to enter my
I love that show so much. I always laugh when they show the mothers all dressed up for a playdate drinking martinis and chain smoking at 10 a.m. A different world for sure.
Why not separate the fashion from the socioeconomic implications? I say wear those clothes, stay-at-home mom, corporate executive, we should all be able to put ourselves together however we choose. So say I, as I also love those dresses...
I am so ready for Season Three! I love this show!
Amen- you summed it up exactly how I would have- there is power in being ladylike, esp nowadays since so few women embrace being a woman!
I definitely loved the elegance and grace of that era!
I haven't ever seen that show. I agree with your opinion about the Feminist Movement. I like being feminine, classic, and traditional!
You are exactly right. In the effort to be liberated, many women lost themselves.
The fashions are fabulous! Of course, I can remember all that!
I agree with everything you said! FI and I love that show. Comcast gives us seasons 1 & 2. On Demand for free. Yes- FREE!!! I miss those days too. I love cooking, cleaning, and I'm definitely looking forward to being a wife and all the implications that come with it.
I'm with you...I love keeping my house, and I love taking care of Grant. I love cooking, cleaning and just doing things for him. It's wonderful!
I agree with you 100%. One frienemy once called me "domesticated" to be mean. I took it as a compliment. I can cook, clean and host a fabulous dinner party that people talk about for weeks. Now that is an accomplishment. The longest anyone ever raved about a work assigment was the next day.
We are such fiends for the show it is as though we are junkies, addicts!! And no laughing here dolls, but TP has a few vintage frocks in the closet from this era!
Grins & Giggles Miss Freckles, and *congratulations* on the Anniversary, whoo-hoo!
I was born in 1961 and have vague recollections of my mother and other women in my life dressing like the women in Mad Men. They were STRONG women of the highest order...some stayed home, while others worked. You're right...we are NOT men and there is nothing at all wrong with looking feminine and beautiful. Actually, those traits, I believe, can be POWERFUL ones.
I'm a bit confused...what exactly is a "proper woman"? To me, it's the attitude that there is any "proper" way to be a woman--whether coming from a traditional or radical fem perspective--that keeps us all down. My husband and I share EQUALLY in cooking, cleaning, shopping, yardwork, etc; I rarely wear dresses and have no desire to wear any of those clothes, I'm more comfortable when I'm dressed for a day of climbing than for a wedding, say; I'm a career academic in a largely male-dominated field and if that means I have to work hard to be at the top, so be it.
I'm a woman. Am I not a "proper" one?
I am so ready fro season 3! Great idea to watch 1 & 2 next month to get caught up!
As for dressing that way, I agree that we should!
I love this show! The clothing is so much fun.
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