I've learned that I am seriously deprived
way Up North here! I keep reading all about the glories of Sonic and Chick-
Fil-A (which for a while, I'm embarrassed to admit I was running around pronouncing as Chick-
not as Chick-
Filet...I'm blond, give me a break), to which, I'm sad to say, I do not have access! There are a few wayward Sonics in Michigan, but they are not near by and are not located in places blond girls go
alone in search of
heaven fast food.
Oh how I wish I could
pull up to this menu and order a cherry

Or, when craving a special indulgence, this lovely meal....

Just add this to my
list of reasons to
evacuate move South!
I'll have a Sonic Diet Coke with vanilla for you soon!
Oh my gosh, we are totally deprived...I crave Chick-fil-a ALL THE TIME!
Haha, maybe you don't have those, but you have plenty of other places we don't have! Mejirs, Red Robbin, Jack in the Box, BoJangles, etc. We do have PUBLIX though, which is the best grocer ever!
You are so deprived! Sonic and Chick-fil-a especially at breakfast are the best!!
We actually have Chick-fil-a in San Diego and recently just got our first Sonic, which has been busy since the day it opened. You'd think with the southern food resurgence it would mean nicer people and classier clothes, but no, just more fast food. :)
We have ONE single CFA in Omaha - it's inside of the Mutual of Omaha building or something silly! I've not been there though, so I feel you!
Semi-Slacker love their Chick-Fil-A. Best peach milkshake E.V.E.R! Move quickly!
OOH, now I want some Chick-Fil-A sweet tea!!! THE VERY BEST!!!!
That stinks that you don't have a sonic or a chik-fil-a! I love them!! I live in the north east and we have had a chickfila for a while now and we recently got a sonic
I hate that you don't have a chick-fila or a sonic. I am a BIG fan of chick and know a couple of the workers by name I go there so often! If you are ever on a road trip heading south keep your eyes peeled out because there are a ton of sonics in the south, and a good many chicks! Just another reason why you need to come visit us in the south!:)
As an East Coaster living in the South, trust me when I tell you Chick-fil-A is God's little gift to the South.
Sonic is just meh except for the drinks and desserts. It is worth it for a Sonic Chill!
Haha! Oh my sweet friend! You are deprived! Those are THE best fastfood places out there!
When you make it down here we are going to have to get you a chicken biscuit. They are quite possibly the best thing you could ever eat!
Oh how I feel for you! I'll drink a diet cherry limeade in your honor. I don't know what I'd do without Chik-Fil-A! Yum yum!!
I couldn't agree more! I would love to move down south for the fast food joints alone!
We don't have Chick-Fil-A in MN, but my southern friends talk about it all the time. Boo-hoo. :(
Sounds so delicious.
uuugggh- just because we live in the Tundra doesn't mean that we might not like the same fast food as our Southern buddies!
the Chick-Fil-A looks beyond amazing.
PS- you're talking to the queen of blondes- nothing too out there :)
I received my package today. I can't wait to get reading. Such a great giveaway. Thank you very much.
You should go to my blog and enter our gipperslist.com giveaway. My business partner is launching our new website tomorrow morning on Fox & Friends at 8:45am ET/7:45 am CT.
If you know any conservative bloggers, I could use some more followers.
Thanks again! :)
Chik-Fil-A is also in California, which makes me oh so very happy. It's like a little slice of heaven in the land of fruits and nuts. ;o)
Now if we could just get a Cracker Barrel out here my life would be complete.
Chic-fil-a is one of my all time favorite places. Their chicken sandwiches are just the best. I am sorry you don't have one closer to you! Then again - that might be a good thing when you consider how much heathier I would eat if I wasn't so close to one ...
Enjoy your week!
There's a new Sonic in your area and there is one at Birch Run too.
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(Submitted on KwZa for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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