A few of my crushes are:
Alec Baldwin Jack Donaghy:
William Shatner Denny Crane:
I also have a little thing for Bobby Flay. I think he looks a lot like my B, so I don't feel too guilty about it. And he can cook!
B and I are huge fans of the show Chuck. Talk about a good looking cast! On member of that cast is my newest celebrity crush, and I must say the best!
Adam Baldwin plays Casey, the Marine who looks after Chuck. And he's a conservative!
Who are your celebrity crushes?
My favorite is Fred Savage, aka Kevin Arnold from The Wonder Years! It is my favorite show of all time!
Ooooooh, I like your crushes also! Mine is TV Sportscastor (sp?) Chris Collingsworth...he's a former Wide Receiver for the Cincinnatti Bengals and he's soooooo cute! So is Alec Baldwin!
I wish Jack Donaghy was a real person :(
Rob Lowe. I like old guys! Haha! and definitely Ryan Reynolds! When I saw this, my first thought was Isla Fischer! No joke! Haha!
Character wise...I kinda have a crush on Ari Gold. Weird?
Let's see...I can't think of who my most recent character crushes are, so how about I give you my first character crush? Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo in Romeo & Juliet. He was just studly.
I love William Shatner. I can't believe there is someone else out there who is crushin' on him. We have all of the seasons of "Boston Legal" on DVD, plus I've recently been watching the old Star Trek episodes. He was a cutie in his younger days, too!
Top of my list is Jason Bourne..err, I mean Matt Damon!!! Love him!
roger moore as james bond.
Jack Bauer, Jack McCoy, Michael Scofield and the Winchester boys. Yummy! I used to like Kevin Bacon but I absolutely HATE him in Sleepers. I guess thats what makes him a good actor though...that he could get me to hate him so badly :)
OM! B does remind me of Bobby Flay! I heart Ryan Reynolds.
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