I am very much looking forward to Easter this weekend. My family is getting together on Holy Saturday, so B and I are attending Mass and then brunch afterwards together Easter morning. I am really looking forward to spending this special day together. For Saturday, I'm making chocolate chip date cake, banana cream pie, and some sort of appetizer meatballs that my sister has requested. She had them at a friend's parent's home, and requested the recipe. The recipe seems simple, so I'm happy to make them for her!
I gave up pizza and fast food for Lent this year. I did have several Shamrock Shakes (more a fast "beverage") however. I've given up fast food and pizza in previous years, and I always make the exception of the shakes because they are only offered during Lent! Should I feel guilty about this? Hmm. I didn't cheat at all by having pizza or fast food though, and I am very proud of myself. B also gave these things up, and he didn't cheat either! Maybe on Sunday night we'll order a pizza?
I'm also having a day of beauty tomorrow: hair, nails, pedicure, eyebrows, and lunch with my bestie. She is currently living at a hotel! She and her husband have listed their townhouse, and figured it would be easier to move out while its on the market. I can't wait to see her suite...I might want to move in too! :)
I wish you all a wonderful weekend, and blessed Easter. This is the most important weekend in the Christian year, and I've made a commitment to myself to spend sometime praying and thanking God for saving me and blessing me. The more I live, the more I see all the blessing both large and small, and I am so grateful. I hope everyone has a few moments this weekend to say thank you too.
What a wonderful post! Wishing you and your family a joyous Easter holiday weekend!
Proud of you girl for sticking to your Lenten promise...Pizza and fast food is a tough one! I say you definitely deserve a pizza in your near future.
Enjoy your day of beauty and girl time with your bestie! And enjoy the springy weather!
Yay for spring! I just looked outside and saw the first crocus peeking at me!
I love your Easter message and am taking that to heart at the tail-end and height of Holy Week :)
And I am the queen of Bylaws and P&P- per my ruling, the Shamrock Shakes were totally okay to have. Especially when you think about how you can get shakes at an ice cream store and ice cream is not fast food.
Love that you're making food for your sis- gotta keep 'em happy, right?!
Sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned - enjoy it!
Yay, spring has sprung! I assume you're having some nice weather in Michigan!
I just got back from Naples and had a lovely time. I wish I lived down there!
Hope you and B have a very happy Easter!
Minnesota Girl
Great post, Princess. I will make a conscience effort to count my blessings this Easter weekend as well. I have so much to be thankful for both big and small.
Your plans sound wonderful. So does the pie. Hehe.
Oh, and the Shamrock shakes don't count. That's a drink, not food. I think you did a great job if you gave up fast food and pizza and didn't cheat once. Good for you! :)
Happy Easter!
Oops..."conscious effort." I realized I used the wrong word after I hit the "publish" button and reread what I wrote.
Oh, well...
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the weather.
Have a wonderful Easter!
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