Normally I
DVR my shows, and then watch them later in the week, but I couldn't wait to watch the season premiere of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. All the different city's casts have drama, but there is something special about New Jersey! Seeing the preview for this season has me hooked already! Maybe its the violence that only seems to surface in Jersey? I don't know, but the drama factor is on overload with these ladies...yet....I find them the most "normal".
Well, everyone but Danielle. She's nuts and I feel terrible for her two daughters! The other ladies though, I find them relatively normal. Haha! Maybe I'm a nut?
Who watched? What did you think? Dying for next week like me?
This is the only housewives I watch and aside from crazy Danielle I find them normal. I can't wait for next week either!
I have it on my puter to watch tomorrow!
Of course I watched - even my poor husband was made to watch the show!!! I agree with you- there is something about the New Jersey cast that keeps me glued to the tv. I can't wait for all the drama!
OMG I so wanted to watch but I missed it!!! I can't wait to see it, this is byfar my favorite RH cast!
I watch all the RH but NJ us the best! I feel bad for Danielle's daughters, too. It was awful to watch them try and talk her out of stalking Caroline's charity function! Crazy!!! I like Dina and Caroline. And Theresa's just too funny/ ditzy. The season previews look like it's going to get GOOD!!!!
I started to watch but wasn't feeling well and fell asleep! Definitely going to catch the replay.
So bummed, I missed it. Baseball then hockey! Next week for sure. I LOVE the NJ cast! The drama is way too addicting. :)
Oh I JUST watched it tonight on my DVR and it was fascinating (in a train wreck kinda way ;))!!! NJ is definitely my favorite. I feel so sorry for Daniel's daughters! The fact they have to tell their own mom when to "stop" acting crazy is so sad.
I have to admit that I kind of forget about this show so I just watch sporadically, but I love love love that Jersey accent. I'm biased though...Mr. Lipstick is from Jersey!
Watched it and LOVED it. New Jersey is my fav right now. I just can't wait for next week! I almost wish Danielle wasn't on the show. I would much rather see more of the other ladies.
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