Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The First Year

Sunday was our one year anniversary. That flew by! We celebrated with dinner on Saturday night at The Rugby Grille. Halfway through dinner, B got up to use the bathroom. When he came back to the table, he placed a card with a key in it in front of me. On a whim, he decided to get us a room for the night at the hotel! I was thrilled. We finished dinner, drove the three minutes to our house, changed, bought a few bottles of wine (and a bottle of Skinny Girl Margarita...okay), and headed back to our room. It was divine. The bed was so comfy, and we ordered breakfast Sunday in our room. B and I love hotels, even if it's less than a mile from home! We decided to make it a tradition. We're not a really mushy romantic couple, so sleeping in a hotel is about as romantic as we get. It was perfect!

On Sunday, we watched our wedding video and ate a few bites of the leftover cake. It was still pretty good, but I was nervous to eat more than a bite or two. I always wondered why couples eat there cake on their first anniversary, so I searched online. Years ago, most couples had a baby by the time their first anniversary rolled around. They'd be busy planning a baptism and party, so they would save the cake to serve at the party following the christening! Interesting....

I also read that some couples keep a journal or special book where they record how they celebrated each anniversary. I gave B two sports banners to hang in our basement. One for the Lions and one for the Tigers. Both show the mascots as they've evolved over the years. We're kind of going with a sport's theme down there.

I found this book a few months ago, and I had planned to give it to B as part of his gift. I decided it would be perfect to keep a record of our anniversary celebrations!

It's the cutest little book, and I think he thought so too. It will be so nice to always have this to remind us how we spent all our anniversaries!

Tomorrow is the anniversary of our first date. We won't do anything special (he lucked out that the two dates are so close!), but it will mark 5 years together. I couldn't be happier.


Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

I love an impromptu night in a hotel, fun! Glad you all had a lovely anniversary.

Carrie said...


Cool Gal said...

Congratulations. I love the little book you gave "B." That is such a great idea.

Can you believe I still have a chuck of my wedding cake from 19 years ago. I haven't eaten any, obviously, but still have it in my freezer. For some reason, I just can't toss it out. :)

Your night sounds perfect. Love that he surprised you with a room. That's very romantic. :)

Posh Peach said...

Happy anniversary to you! What a wonderful way to celebrate.
P.S. Five years, wow! So there is hope for me after all!! Tyson and I have been dating for three years, seems like forever ;)

QueenBeeSwain said...

happy happy happy happy happy!

seriously, time has to be vrooming for you if when I read that it was your 1 year anniv I thought "whoa, time travels"!

and interesante about the cake part....

