Vineyard Vouge asked about where to obtain a Pink Elephant pin like mine. B bought my pin at some work related event he attended this past winter. He bought himself the cutest little red, white and blue elephant lapel pin too. I did a little digging online and I've found some great GOP attire!
At the RNC site I found these cute Pink Elephant things (there is more on the site):

Tell me that rhinestone pin and the preppy pink and green hat aren't the cutest things ever!!!
At Republican Gifts I found this great stuff:

And at Republican Market, I found my actual pin!

And just for a good laugh, check out what I found at Zazzle:

They had ties for George W. and McCain too! B and I love Reagan. So much so, that if we ever have a girl we're naming her Reagan. I might buy one of these ties for him as a cute gag! This tie is definitely going to be in his stocking this year though:

That tie and others are available at the RNC site too.
On a completely unrelated note, I had to break into my own house this morning! Yes, folks, I am completely out of it (I'd like to blame my current cold/sinus thing, but let's face it, I'm blonde)!! I walked outside this morning early for work, and I locked my keys in the house! B isn't coming home until this evening. I called my mom and told her to start heading over because I needed a ride to work. I checked all windows, and all were locked. Then I attempted to try the window over our kitchen sink (which is high up from the outside), and as fate would have it, I didn't lock that one last night! So I pulled our two deck chairs around the side of the house and hoisted myself up, opened the window (all in a pencil skirt and heels , mind you) and grabbed a large spoon out of its home next the sink and reached to my keys on the end of the counter, dragged them over and I was set!!!! I called my mom and told her to forget it, thankfully she hadn't gotten to far! What are crazy start to the day. I was on time to work, thankfully!
I hope everyone is having a marvelous Friday!
OH! MY! GOODNESS!!!!! This post made my day! Look at all these goodies! There is NO DOUBT I am buying that pink and green GOP hat TODAY! YAY! (I've totally had to break in before too- doesn't it give you a terrible feeling when you realize you closed the door and don't have your keys? TERRIBLE!)
I love the pink and green hat!! Thanks for sharing!
If my husband and I ever have a daughter, we want to name her Reagan too. I love that name for a girl.
Have a nice weekend! I hope you feel better soon!
So funny, but not for you at the time about breaking into your own home. Happened to me me times.
Love all you RNC stuff, GO John! Nice to find another young person that is R! Reagan is a great name for a litle girl!
Hope you are feeling better!
Oh Your Highness!
We just discovered your wonderful blog and LoveLoveLove it!
The green hat with the little pink elephant is absolutely TDF, we'd never seen one before! Thank you and/or your fiance for such a fabulous find! (Not to mention the other goodies!)
At any rate, we'll be back to visit and hope you pop over to see us when you have a spare nano-second!
Grins & giggles,
Thank you sooo much for letting me know where to find that pin! I ordered one :)
Love the other cute Republican goodies!
I want the hat! I just bought my future BIL a tie from Republican Market! Thanks for pointing me in their direction!
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