As many of you know, I'm rather new to the world of blogging. I'm hooked on it though, because I love to make new friends and read all about your lives and adventures. Well, today I've received my very first award! Can I even tell you how happy I am? I still can't believe anyone wants to read what I write, and I got the "Diamond Award"? Too cool! Muffy Martini has bestowed this beautiful award upon me! Here are the rules: I must acknowledge that I am a recipient of the award and then tag seven others with the award and show the link to their blogs.
Choosing only seven blogs was hard, but here they are:
1.) Adventures of a Southern Newlywed (This is the first blog I discovered, and I love it! Through her blog, I've found most of the blogs I enjoy everyday.)
2.) Always Organizing (I am also "always organizing" my life! Great organizing tips and I love to hear about her projects.)
3.) Puttin' On the G.R.I.T.S. (Here is the Southern sister I never had but have always wanted! So hilarious and entertaining. Good cooking tips, too!)
4.) Running Just As Fast As I Can (Great blog, and I've joined her Preppy Fall Swap. My first swap! Also, its her birthday this weekend! Happy Birthday!)
5.) Jewish Girl In Wasp's Clothing (I am always excited to read her latest entry, because she's both an incredible writer and someone I can relate to. I appreciate her honesty and thought provoking entries.)
6.) Vineyard Vogue (My fellow Michigander! Charming blog!)
7.) Screaming Meme (Meme actually found me, and I've been enjoying her blog immensely! She gives great tutorials on do-it-yourself projects. Wonderful, check it out!)
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Muffy Martini and thank you to all the blogs I read. You gals fill my days with smiles and I'm so happy to apart of this "preppy blogger" community!!!!
Thank you for the award! I didn't realize I was the first blog that you read. I am glad you are blogging now because I love reading your posts!
I hope you had a nice weekend!
Oh! Thanks that is so sweet! Do I take the diamond and pass it on? Im new to blogging myself!
You're welcome! You totally deserve it!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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