After I got home, we rented two movies and made tacos. Then we watched Charlie Wilson's War, and I really loved it!
B and I both worked Saturday and then attended 6:30p.m. Mass. After Mass, B took me to McDonald's, where I had my favorite salad, the Southwest Chicken Salad. Its a.m.a.z.i.n.g and I highly recommend it! We ate our fast food feast while watching The Bank Job. I liked this movie too! Two for two!
Yesterday I made B pancakes, cleaned the condo, went to the gym (where I did no less than an hour on the elliptical and some weights! Yeah me!), and then I stopped at Joanne's to buy the coolest thing! When Preppy Pink Crocodile posted this picture,

I knew it had to be mine! When I told B, he told me to go buy it. See, I have an obsession with cupcakes! I don't really love cake, but I love cupcakes. I think it has something to do with the smaller size being less dry and having less frosting. I know its totally weird. I actually want to forgo a wedding cake and just have a cupcake tower! Anyway, I'm really excited to bake a huge cupcake! Thanks Preppy Crocodile!
After my errands, my mother, sister and grandparents came over. My grandfather had not yet seen our condo and came for a tour. Afterwards we all went to dinner at P.F. Changs (a favorite of mine and that of my Grandfather). B and I stopped at Borders on our way home so he could buy some Fantasy Football magazines. He also bought me Town & Country Weddings and the September ELLE. Jessica Simpson looks beautiful on the cover, by the way.
Last night we caught up on our DVR. We had several episodes of Burn Notice and Project Runway. Can I just say that Tim Gunn is my hero? He had the best quote ever in last week's show: "It's like a pterodactyl from a gay Jurassic Park." Hilarious. On that note, I bid you all goodbye until my next post. Hope everyone had a great weekend too!
Hey Swap Partner! I am so excited to have a partner who I have never "met." I don't think I have ever come across your blog before and reading what I have so far, I am glad you are my swap buddy. I will email you right now my address. It will be from jenwebb702 at gmail dot com. Looking forward to our swap!! I will think of some good questions too!!
OMG...I love Tim Gunn! My favorite thing he has ever said was on Project Runway when he said "holla back at ya boy." He is just the cutest!!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I feel similarly about cupcakes vs. cake :)
I am glad you had a great weekend! I love eating at PF Chang's.
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