Over-Eaters Anonymous! Is there such a thing? Because I need to attend a meeting a.s.a.p.! I've fallen off the wagon..... again.
When B and I first started dating three years ago, I quickly gained 10+ pounds. I think this is because I was a poor college student when we met who barely ever ate a square meal. Often (this is horrible to admit) I'd get a huge submarine after my noonish class and eat that for two days. I know, I was skinny, yet disgusting and very unhealthy. Please don't judge.
So, along comes B. Mr. Career Man had a "real" job and took me to eat real meals. Also we fell in love and spent many nights eating pizza/Chinese/fast-food and watching movies together. All this extra available food was more than I could handle. I would gorge! I'm talking unbutton-the-top-button-of-my-pants-I'm-so-full, gorge!! And I truly became an over-eater. And I gained weight.
In the year last or more, I've really tried to stop eating such massive amounts in one sitting. I've also begun exercising and trying to get into shape. Every so often though, I fall off the wagon and over-eat. I did this today and my department's Christmas luncheon. We went to a buffet. Clearly a trigger for an over-eater. And did I cave? Oh you better believe it!
So here I sit, back at work feeling as though I might pop. I need to buckle down here. I only have 10 months until my wedding!!!!! Help!
3 days ago
It is so tough this time of year to try to eat healthy. There are always too many yummy treats around! Enjoy, but in moderation and small portions is what I tell myself. Good luck!
I feel you! And it's the worst! I agree with E, I have to exercise so much just to eat what I want. I'd rather spend 2 hours in they gym, every day than give up my food!
I totally get it, I'm more of a boredom eater which is worse! Good luck, I started going to the gym about 2 months ago and am still to see change, perhaps because of my habit. Haha.
first of all, don't beat yourself up! what's done is done. accept it and try to learn from it. i really feel your pain because overeating is a total weakness of mine--i love food! i certainly am not a success story at overcoming overeating, but you just have to take it one day at a time and practice self-control, whether it's straight up self-control (sometimes I'm so unconscious about what I eat and I get so mad at myself!) or tricks (eg: drinking a bunch of water before you eat so you already feel somewhat full, etc. etc.)
that being said, this really is a tough time of year. also, i know this doesn't make you feel better about the instant situation, but the pictures you posted a few days ago were gorgeous!
where do I sign up?
Where's the meeting? I will see you there. I really need to start working out again.
hey there, hope you are enjoying the white winterland that is surrounding you! nothing like MI's 1st winter storm, yuck!
isn't today a great day for the people of michigan! bush came through, thank god!!!! i am so happy, there's hope for michigan and i couldn't be happier!!!!
oh yea, before i forget - i left a award for you on my blog, stop back over!
happy holidays! have fun in the Woods, I will be in the Farms in a couple of days - can't wait christmas in grosse pointe, wouldn't want to be any place else!
:) PLD
I am most definitely a member of this club. I just try to exercise, exercise, and exercise!
I do believe there is a group called O.A. however, when my weight begins to creep. I get out a food log and count calories. I try to estimate for the unknown, and when I really don't know (crazy high calorie wonder meals/buffet or sharing tapas situations), I limit myself to 25-30 bites. I know it might sound excessive/obsessive, but it really helps me get back on track. Oh, and spinning & cardio tennis classes to blast calories FAST!
just watch your proportions and you will be just fine! I know...as much as we love food it is our worst enemy! ha! ha! good luck with your wedding plans!
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