Yesterday was pretty eventful at the castle. We live in a duplex condo. We share a common wall with our neighbor. Neighbor works at the casino and also has a dog. The dog barks (loudly) from the moment neighbor leaves until the moment neighbor returns home. Casino's are open 24/7 and neighbor works odd hours.
We have left two extremely polite notes making him aware of the barking problem and asking him to try to figure something out. We called the Condo Association. Nothing has changed. He didn't even bother to acknowledge the notes we'd left. So yesterday B was home and he had had it! He called the Birmingham police and the cop wrote neighbor a $350.00 ticket!!!!! I felt a teeny bit bad about this.
Fast-forward to 5 a.m. this morning when I was woken up by the dog. I realized that I no longer feel bad! I had B call the police again this morning at 5!
I can deal with a lot of things in life. I just can't deal with some dude who is a terrible pet owner messing with my ability to get a good night's rest! Now I've turned into a crazy woman who is not going to stop until this man is held accountable. Poor dog and poor me!
4 days ago
You're like me, I totally would have done the same thing. My boyfriend never gets annoyed by those things, but enough is enough sometimes. It's better for the dog anyways, maybe he'll get a new home with people that are home to spend time with him!
I totally know what you mean about that. We had dorm issues and we all decided to report one of the girls and it was so much easier after she got worse!
You know what Miss Princess? Good for you guys - enough is enough. Honestly.
Merry-Merry Christmas!
I left you something on my blog!
Ugh, I can totally sympathize! The house we live in has an owners apartment that was rented to a young woman and her dog. Her dog had "separation anxiety" and would bark for 1 STRAIGHT HOUR after she left. It would also bark anytime it saw anything outside. She actually went to lunch one Saturday when it was about 30 degrees out and left her poor dog outside for 2 HOURS! She was also the type to play music with full base at all hours of the evening. Needless to say, she just moved out - yippee!
What a nightmare! I can't believe the dog was barking again---even after the $350 ticket. You would think that the owner would have learned his lesson.
On a happier note, have a wonderful holiday!
What a pain!!! I hate crappy neighbors. We have a neighbor who blasts loud music. I have called management several times and they don't do a thing about it. So frustrating!!!
Who knew that a dog barking ticket was $350 in Birmingham?
The noise would have irritated me too. I hope the situation improves for you.
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