My bag is packed and I'm ready to go...to Chicago! B drove me to work today and is picking me up at 5:00 to take to the airport. I had a bit of a blonde moment this morning when I called him (after he'd dropped me at work) to inform him that I didn't need him to stop at the bank or CVS because I could just do it at lunch. He then reminded me that
he drove me to work and I had no car here! Hello? Apparently the hair color has seeped in and is killing common sense brain cells!
I will take loads of pictures and will post on Sunday or Monday with a trip report!
Tonight we're going out for sushi. I guess the restaurant is B.Y.O.B.! Sounds fun! I'm wondering if I can bring my own vodka? Hmmm.
Have a wonderful trip!
Have fun!! The weather here is awesome : ) Chicago is the best.
Awwww have fun!! I love Chicago!!
Have a WONDERFUL trip! Be safe :)
HAHA I've TOTALLY done that before and thought I had my car with me. Have a GREAT time and I can't wait to see pictures! xoxo
Have a lovely time I've always wanted to go to Chicago!
have too much fun!
I can't wait to hear about your trip!
Have soo much fun!! Can't wait to hear about it.
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