B went to the Detroit Tigers' opening day game on Friday. While the Tigers won by a landslide, B and his father ran into a bit of trouble.
A little background on Detroit: its an incredible shady place. Here is an example. Band his always carpool to games and normally park at a restaurant/bar that offers a bus to the park. (We did this for a Lions game and it was great because you pay $5.00 for the bus ride instead of $20.00 to park at the actual venue.) The restaurant is called Nemo's. When they arrived on Friday, Nemo's parking lot was full, but the lot next to it was apparently allowing parking, because there was a big sign that read "Park/Tailgate HERE" and there were men collecting money. So they paid and parked there, walked over to the bar and took the bus to Comerica Park.
After the game, they caught the bus back, and walked back over to the lot only to find that there were NO cars parked there anymore (they'd all been towed) and Fox 2 news was interviewing a group of people. Apparently, the men collecting money were homeless and did have permission to use the lot. Also, there was a small sign behind a bush that said "No Parking". Furthermore, the man who owns the lot also owns the towing company and several other lots around the shadiest city in America where he makes money by towing people's cars on game days. He apparently likes it when the homeless start putting up signs and collecting money so that it looks legit! B and his Dad had to catch a cab to the towing company (in the HOOD) and pay...wait for it......$255.00 CASH to get the car! B and his dad were also on the news! Needless to say, I'm disgusted and now even more reluctant to ever venture into that dirty shady city.
On a happier note, I hope you all had a great Easter. B and I certainly did! The sun was shining and I wore a pair of Lilly capris (even though it as still a little chilly for them). I've decided Spring is here, even if Mother Nature isn't agreeing!
4 days ago
That is crazY!
How shady is that? Creeps!
That sucks. Seriously, I'm glad the news folks were there & hopefully are able to make others aware of that crappy situation! That man should be arrested for fraud!
Oh no! I was reading this to Nick as a reminder when we park at the Cardinals games. :)
Oh no! I was reading this to Nick as a reminder when we park at the Cardinals games. :)
That is horrible!! but I am glad they are safe! That's the worst - owning the lot and the towing company. What a creep!! Maybe the city will deal with that??
Oh my! I'm so glad they are ok. What trouble they had to deal with though!
Shady and downright wrong! I am glad you had a great Easter and got to wear some Lilly!
That is terrible! Glad they are safe and were able to get the car back (though $255 seems like a crazy amount of money).
re: Publix
Yes, I love Wynn's too! It makes me want to buy a lot of cheese and expensive crackers!
Classic, just classic. I'm sorry they had to cope with this, going to a game should be fun, not end with an experience like they had.
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