I have read several books written about Jacqueline Kennedy. B teases me, but I can't help it! I find her to be fascinating!
Here are some of the books I've already read:

I'm currently reading Kitty Kelley's biography (yes, I know she's trashy):

Jackie was certainly a style icon and one of the most celebrated women of the 20th century, but she was much more than that. A woman who had a difficult childhood, only to enter into a difficult marriage. She shunned the spotlight and had a love/hate relationship with her status as first lady and later as a celebrity. Here are a few early pictures I love of her:

I think I will probably read every biography of her that is in my library before I stop!
I've read Jack and Jackie and let's not lie- Kitty Kelley is awesome even if she is trashy- everyone's gotta have a little trash, right?! I'll have to add that book to my list to read next- working through Barbara Bush's memoirs and it is amazing- very funny and quite tart!
I have been wanting to read a Jackie O biography! Which one would you suggest for my first one to read?
Omg I have been wanting to read Jack and Jackie! That is first on my list when the semester is over :) How was it?!
Oh, lovely! I've just recently become more interested in her, so it's great to get some references on books - I will check them out. And that wedding pic? Wow, to die for.
I read the John Davis one, it was great. I need to read more. How can one not be enthralled with her quiet graceful style?
I have read loads and loads of Jackie books too! I did my high school thesis on her restoartion of The White House and also had to teach a history class on the Kennedys senior year!
I haven't read any of her biographies yet, but they're on my list. Also, those are great pictures!
Love these photos Miss Princess! We have read several of the ones you mention and we're with the Queen Bee: Kitty Kelley is nasty, but some fine and fun nasty!
Hope your weekend is warm and wonderful!
Great photos of her. I will have to pick up some of the books and read them myself. :)
I've read them all except "Grace and Power." Love everything about Jackie Kennedy!
Oh just lovely! Xoxo-BLC
I'm a little obsessed, too! I do love me some Jackie O. We make the Kennedy Family spaghetti recipe pretty regularly around here. My Mother in law used to say it was the ONLY good thing to come out of the Kennedy White House (except Jackie, of course!)
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