Firstly, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all the prayers for my Grandpa! He seemed in good spirits when we visited and I was able to stay for a couple hours. His hospital room is by far the nicest hospital room I've ever seen! I called it the Ritz! It has hardwood floors, a flat screen television, monogrammed towels in the bathroom, and its private! Its in an area of the hospital called The Suits at St. John's. After our visit, I stopped in to visit my grandma and eat a quick dinner. It was so mice spending time with both of them! One thing I really enjoy is talking with my grandparents about their lives and listening to their advice. My grandpa always thanks me for listening to his advice (more in a joking kind of way..."I know you didn't ask for this advice, so thanks for listening to your grandfather"), but I can't think of many things I'd rather do! That is how I will remember them both when they're gone, through the advice and wisdom they've given me. Hopefully, I'll have them awhile longer though! :)
Secondly, I have some great news regarding the casino Rewards Party we attended at the Big Rock last Sunday......we WON the romantic night at the Townsend Hotel! Can you even believe it? First I won Miss Janice's generous giveaway, and now this? I'm feeling so blessed!
Tonight, we're celebrating B's birthday! I'm excited, but already a bit tired! I'm working today and its the first day of our library's Summer Reading Program. It'll be a crazy day! I got to bed late last night after the Red Wings lost (boo). I was over at my girlfriends house having the best time and all of a sudden it was 11:30 and I needed to hit the hay! I'm glad I went though, and those cookies were a total hit! I made a second batch yesterday to take over to A's house. If anyone needs a great summer dessert, there's your answer!
I'm off to actually work now! Have a great weekend everyone!
4 days ago
So glad you had a wonderful visit with your grandparents! Have a great weekend. xoxo
So happy you had a nice time with your grandparents!! Those memories are priceless!
Your G-Pa's room does sound nice! Geez, wood floors had me. Glad he's doing well & congrats on your prize room! How fun! And I hope you had a great time celebrating, too!
I am glad you had a nice visit with your grandparents!
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