Also saw Inglorious Bastards. It was great. Violent, but I just shut my eyes and covered my ears in those parts! B always told me when they were over.
I'm a busy bee at work these days. Fall does that. I have to get up the Autumn display. I think I'm going with a Harvest theme this year. last year I did the election theme. I'm also currently working on the Liturgy for our wedding. I've been waiting to do this a long time and its fun!
My bridesmaid gifts came in. Silver monogrammed picture frames from Monogrammed Gifts. They look good. I'm now waiting on the key fobs I ordered for my aunt/Godmother and cousin who are doing the two readings. My friend who is doing the Prayer of the Faithful is getting a frame.
And lastly, I'm getting my hair done on Thursday night. Now that I'm

Aww, so happy you found nice wedding bands! I loved when I first bought mine...I wanted to wear them every day!!
Post pics of your hair!
Lots of fun stuff going on! Good luck with all of your plans and projects.
I remember being so excited when our wedding rings arrived! It was all we needed really :O)
Congrats! So exciting that you have your rings :) Ours are in too and I think we are picking them up this weekend!
Have fun doing your board at the library! I can't wait to see what the wedding bands look like. I am so unsure as to what band will go with my ring since it has diamonds running up both sides. I guess we will worry about that when it gets closer, but I just always think that when I look down at it. haha! I bet yours is gorgeous and perfect!
Can't wait to see the wedding bands
Can't wait to see the wedding bands
Can't wait to see the wedding bands
Can't wait to see the wedding bands
So glad you finally got your giveaway...Sorry it took so long!
Oh the wedding bands-so cute. Love the cat pic xo
Yay for getting the wedding bands! That's great! Can't wait to see them!
I loved that movie. While it was a little gorey, I actually expected more for a Tarantino film. It was brilliant!!
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