I know some other bloggers have done this in the past, and now its my turn! I am opening up this blog for reader's questions. Is there anything you want to know about me? Am I leaving anything out of this blog?
ASK! And I will answer! LOL.
Awhile back a reader asked if I really have freckles, and the answer is yes. When I was growing up they were darker and more prevalent. As I've aged, they've faded, but they're still there, and darken when I'm in the sun. On my honeymoon, they'll be there for two weeks! I like my freckles, and wouldn't mind if they hadn't faded. I love looking at old pictures of me with my dark freckles. Such is life!
4 days ago
When are we going to get together? ;)
How did you and B meet?
Also, what's your most FAVORITE book?
One more ? What's your most important wedding planning advice?
Going off of favorite book as above, I want to know your top three favorite books!
How did B propose?
What's your favorite food? And do you guys have any plans to start a family?
what do you teach and how long have you been teaching?
did you ever try to get rid of your freckles like Jan Brady did? :)
love you for those freckles- I've got 'em too- somehow they were more pronounced too in childhood.
anywho- how did you and B meet? I know that you push it hard to be good w/ food like me- when you kick back and totally indulge- what's your fav' guilty pleasure food?! one last one since we both also have bangs- at what length do they get just too long and you have to get 'em trimmed- is there a part of your face that they hit/etc or are you in every x-amt of weeks?!
Hmm. Who is your biggest inspiration? What have you always wanted to do? Are you living out your dreams?
Hello there!!! Glad you accepted my invite!! I got the snow white costume at the Disney.com. This year I got our Disney Costumes from. BuyCostumes.com:)
Mu questions is ..how did you get the Mc Cain sign in the yorkie picture!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
xxxx me
Thats so cute, I'm glad that you love your freckles. I've always been at somewhat of a war with my freckles. I live in a very warm area and if I don't use spf 100 (hah) everyday, they are just crzy!
I treat them somewhat, although not faithfully, with the Reverse plan from Rodan and Fields. My fiance says to just accept them, but I'm afraid they are signs of sun damage! Oh well, they are what they are! ;-)
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